Testing Content Formats on Instagram

A powerful technique gaining traction is content repurposing, especially testing content formats on short-form platforms...

Jannis Fedoruk-Betschki
Jannis Fedoruk-Betschki Jul 30, 2024

A powerful technique gaining traction is content repurposing, especially testing content formats on short-form platforms like Instagram and then turning what works into blog posts for SEO. This method not only saves time but also leverages the strengths of each platform to maximize your reach and impact. Let's delve into how you can effectively implement this strategy.

Disclaimer: this is a theme demo for Berlin, an exclusive theme for Magic Pages's Ghost CMS hosting customers. This post was AI-generated to showcase the theme. Some or all of its information might be inaccurate. Most of the writing is quite horrible. But hey, that's not the point 😄

Why Instagram for Content Testing?

Instagram, with its visually-driven and highly engaging format, is an ideal platform for testing content. Its various features—stories, reels, carousels, and IGTV—offer unique ways to present information and gauge audience reactions quickly. Here’s why Instagram is perfect for testing content formats:

  1. Immediate Feedback: Instagram provides real-time engagement metrics like likes, comments, shares, and saves, allowing you to see what resonates with your audience almost instantly.
  2. Diverse Formats: With options like stories for ephemeral content, reels for quick, engaging videos, and carousels for detailed multi-image posts, you can experiment with different ways to convey your message.
  3. Broad Reach: Instagram’s algorithm promotes content that generates high engagement, helping you reach a wider audience without significant ad spend.

Testing Content Formats on Instagram

Start by creating a variety of posts on Instagram to test different content formats. Here are some steps to guide you:

  1. Identify Key Topics: Choose a few key topics relevant to your audience. These could be based on frequently asked questions, popular industry trends, or core aspects of your business.
  2. Create Varied Content: Develop content around these topics using different formats. For example, create a short, engaging reel, an informative carousel post, a behind-the-scenes story, and a longer IGTV video.
  3. Monitor Engagement: Pay attention to which formats and topics garner the most engagement. Look at metrics like likes, comments, shares, and saves to determine what’s resonating with your audience.

Analyzing and Repurposing Successful Content

Once you've identified which content formats are performing well on Instagram, it’s time to transform these successful pieces into SEO-driven blog posts. Here’s how:

  1. Gather Insights: Analyze the feedback and engagement data from your Instagram posts. Note which elements—such as specific topics, headlines, or visual styles—attracted the most attention.
  2. Expand the Content: Take the successful Instagram content and expand on it. For instance, if a carousel post about "Top 5 Marketing Tips" performed well, turn it into a comprehensive blog post that delves deeper into each tip.
  3. Optimize for SEO: When converting Instagram content into blog posts, ensure you optimize for SEO. Use relevant keywords, craft engaging headlines, and include meta descriptions to help your blog post rank higher on search engines.
  4. Add Value: Enhance the blog post with additional value. Include links to related articles, embed relevant Instagram posts, and add visuals or infographics to make the post more engaging and informative.

Benefits of This Approach

  1. Efficient Use of Resources: By repurposing content, you save time and resources that would otherwise be spent creating entirely new material.
  2. Increased Engagement: Content that has already proven successful on Instagram is more likely to perform well as a blog post, ensuring higher engagement and lower bounce rates.
  3. Enhanced SEO: Repurposed content that’s optimized for SEO can drive more organic traffic to your website, improving your search engine rankings over time.
  4. Cross-Platform Synergy: This approach creates a synergy between your social media and blog content, reinforcing your brand message across multiple platforms and reaching a broader audience.